Fill out our Travel Form to give us detailed knowledge of your trip so that we can make the best recommendations possible.

Travel Form

Check Any Chronic Medical Conditions

Do you carry epinephrine for anaphylactic emergencies from insect bites, food allergies or other causes?

Check any immunizations you have received in the past.

Have you ever experienced any of the following?

Do you travel frequently to foreign countries?

Indicate the type of travel for your trip.

Check each activity that may be applicable to your trip.

I understand the risks and benefits of vaccines, and I authorize the pharmacist at Schaffner Pharmacy to administer them to me. I do not hold the authorizing physician or pharmacist responsible for any adverse reactions. I understand that it is recommended that I remain at the pharmacy for 10-15 minutes after receiving vaccinations in case of severe reactions. A consultation fee will be charged, as well as the cost of any medications and/or vaccines you may be prescribed. We will attempt to bill your insurance, but if your insurance does not cover the vaccines/medications you will be billed for their cost. We will always contact you with the total costs so that you can decide the best course of action.

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